The Nurse Scholar Program seeks to promote the intellectual curiosity of the 护理学院’s most capable students, 培养护理博菜网站大全队伍, 和 to cultivate the creativity of the next generation of nurse scholars, 研究人员, 和 leaders by fostering an environment to support intellectual pursuits, linking scholars with faculty 和 community nursing leaders who are experts in their respective fields.  The program is designed to provide students with an opportunity for advanced, independent 和 in-depth study of a clinical nursing problem or professional issue in nursing or health care under the guidance of a preceptor.  


The purpose of this program is to provide those students with demonstrated academic ability enhanced opportunities to explore 和 develop their knowledge, 态度和技能(KAS)在护理领导和奖学金. Students’ educational experiences in the Honors Program allow for increased professional growth, 满意度和成就, 也是一次令人振奋的学术经历.


Upon completion of the 诺拉·哈林顿修女护士博菜网站大全项目, the student will have:

  • 参与提升领导能力的经验.
  • Produced an 荣誉 project demonstrating scholarship in the art 和 science of nursing.
  • 开发知识, attitudes 和 skills that serve as a foundation for advanced practice 和 graduate studies.


在大三第一学期结束后, nursing students who meet the criteria listed below for the Honors Program will receive information about the program 和 will be invited to apply. The 荣誉 program coordinator, with input from nursing faculty members, will make selections. 评选将基于以下标准:

  • Top 10% of nursing majors in the sophomore class upon completion of the sophomore year.
  • Submission of a completed application to the 荣誉 program coordinator. 申请必须包括:
    • A one page resume that lists all pertinent activities 和 affiliations in which the student is currently active or has been active during the past 3 years, 包括所担任的职位, 荣誉, 奖, 课外活动,  志愿者活动, 等.
    • 一篇强调学生长期目标的书面文章, including why the student wants to participate in the 荣誉 program.
    • 填写完整的教师背书表.


继续参加荣誉课程, 学生必须满足所有课程要求, GPA不低于3分.5,所有护理(NUR)课程达到B+或以上. 如果GPA低于3分.5, the student will have one academic semester to regain the required GPA. A student who fails to achieve the minimum GPA will no longer be eligible to continue in the 荣誉 program. 如果学生在护理课程中获得B或更低的分数, he/she may petition the 荣誉 program coordinator to have 荣誉 status continued. Students’ academic 和 clinical status will be reviewed each semester by the Honors Program 教师.


优等生的学业成绩将得到认可. Students who complete the program will receive a certificate upon graduation from 榆树大学. This is presented to each nursing 荣誉 student at the Nursing Pinning Ceremony. In addition, 荣誉 students’ permanent transcripts will bear the designation of 护士博菜网站大全诺拉·哈林顿修女.


The Nursing Honors Program seeks to promote the intellectual curiosity of the Nursing Division’s most capable students, 培养一批护理博菜网站大全, 和 to cultivate the creativity of the next generation of nurse scholars, 研究人员, 和 leaders by fostering an environment to support intellectual pursuits, 和, 在某些情况下, linking scholars with faculty 和 community nursing leaders who are experts in their respective fields. The program is designed to provide students with an opportunity for advanced, independent 和 in-depth study of a clinical nursing problem or professional issue in nursing or health care under the guidance of nursing faculty.

Honors Course Work: Honors students will participate in one-credit 荣誉 seminars.

NUR 3901:荣誉研讨会I(大三秋季学期)
这是护理荣誉课程的第一次研讨会. The students will explore issues affecting the nursing profession 和 health care. 重点是对学术概念的探索, 领导, 以及强调QSEN能力的反思性实践. The use of scholarly inquiry 和 nursing research will be emphasized as tools that will be used throughout the program. Students will begin to: 1) cultivate the skills of critical thinking; 2) explore various aspects of professional nursing practice; 3) identify a practice or professional issue that is of interest for an 荣誉 project.

NUR 3902:荣誉研讨会II(三年级春季学期)
在这学期, 学生将继续发展他们的批判性思维, 有说服力的论证和有效的写作技巧.  The central focus of this semester is review of the literature 和 development of the scholarly project.  Students will work with their seminar faculty 和 preceptors in designing their scholarly project 和 finalizing their project proposal.

NUR 4900:荣誉研讨会III(大四秋季学期)
The central part of this seminar is the development 和 start of the 荣誉 project. Students will work with their seminar faculty in designing their 荣誉 projects 和 finalizing their written proposals.

NUR 4901:荣誉研讨会四(大四春季学期)
在这个研讨会上, students will complete their 荣誉 project 和 submit an abstract of their work to the Beta Zeta at Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International to present their projects at the chapter’s Scholarship Day. 此外,还将完成一份书面报告和海报. 海报将在学期结束时提交.


The Honors Program provides an opportunity for students to engage in an independent scholarly project that focuses on research, 临床实践, 或者是专业护理问题. Successful completion of an 荣誉项目 is a requirement for all 荣誉 students. Students may work with preceptors to design 和 implement their 荣誉 project. This work will be planned with input from the 荣誉 program coordinator.